Who We Are


The Pacific Legal Education & Outreach Society (PLEO) has been providing legal services to the non-profit and arts sector since 2005. Operating under the name “Artists’ Legal Outreach” (ALO), PLEO’s first project was the launch of a pilot legal clinic for artists originally run by law student Jamie Mellott and lawyer Martha Rans. The clinic still operates today. Based on positive reception of this service and popular demand, in 2010, the ALO changed its name to PLEO to reflect its extensive involvement with other non-profit societies. PLEO delivers its mission through its Law for Artists and and Law For Non-Profits initiatives, each providing educational programming, information, resources and advice.


The Pacific Legal Education & Outreach Society strives to empower artists and non-profits in Canada to access justice efficiently, effectively and equitably. PLEO works to shift the paradigm in how non-profits and artists experience the law, and to identify and fill gaps in legal services and supports for racialized, indigenous, and historically marginalized communities across Canada.

Our Work

Today PLEO accomplishes this mission through virtual and in-person legal clinics, online events and webinars, and the creation and dissemination of accessible tools, education, and information needed to prevent a legal issue before it happens.

To stay up to date on our programs and receive news on our upcoming events, subscribe to our newsletter.

PLEO itself is a non-profit society registered under the B.C. Societies Act and a registered charity. Our charitable number is: 81128 1468 RR0001.

Our Team



Anju Singh is a technology consultant and project manager who has worked in the arts and non-profit sectors for over 16 years. As a multi-disciplinary artist and a musician, Anju brings an arts informed lens to her technology and administrative work in the sector. Currently, she is working on projects such as Visceral Visions' CultureBrew.Art database development project, CAPACOA's Linked Digital Future Project, BC Rent Bank as a Technology Consultant in the development of their CMS, and CanTrust Hosting Co-operative as an Analyst for hosting and digital services for non-profits and arts organizations. With PLEO, Anju manages the development of the Legal Self Assessment and Learning Tool for Societies which will be launching in the fall alongside PLEO's legal clinic.

TECHNICAL Consultant

sheldon falk
project lawyer

Innovation & development

kris elgstrand

jason dubois
managing director

Jesse tanakA



Are you passionate about the non-profit sector? Are you keen to get involved in making legal support and education more accessible? Inquire about volunteer opportunities here.


Board Members

Jessica Mann Gutteridge

Marietta Kozak

Carol Palladino

Sheldon Falk

Amy Woodruffe

Duty Counsel

Andrew Atkins

R. Nelson Godfrey

Steve McKoen

Christina Bulbrook

Our Supporters

PLEO is grateful to Steve McKoen, Q.C. for his ongoing financial and leadership support.

PLEO appreciates the support our funders, including the following: Stephen Aberle, Mark Achbar, Greer Attridge, Mitch Billinkoff, Stephen Blowers, Jenn Breakspear, Alison Brewin, Marian Brown, Christina Bulbrook, Patricia Byrne, Maxwell Cameron, Marsha Carew, Francis Chang, Ian Cochrane, John Coleman, Sean Cranbury, Ian Duncan, Lindsay Dykstra, Hamilton Fabbro, Joanne Finley, Sarah Fitzpatrick, Carol & Kyle Fogden, Mark Friesen, Gail Gabel, Meg Gaily, Bruce Gibson, Grant Haddock, Fiona Hanington, Dave Hitchcock, Louis Knafla, DD Kugler, Emma Lancaster, Penny Lehan, Susan Linke, Michele Loughery, Sara Lopez, Alexandra Luchenko, Lupino Law, Erica Lynden-Burch, Susan MacFarlane, Rauvin Manhas, Margaret Mason, Joe McArthur, Emira Mears, Sandra Michaels, Roy Miller, Shawn Mitchell, Omari Newton, Juliet O’Brien, Ellie O’Day, Anders Ourum, Carol Palladino, Dean Pallen, Sarah Patrick, Lee Porteous, Jason Queck, Sara Rans, Esther Rausenberg, James Renken, Graham Reynolds, Sara Ross, Patty Sahota, Michael Scholar Jr, Michael Simkin, Charmane Sing, Greg Smith, Matt Smith, James Struther, Caroline Taylor, Leilani Toledo, Teresa Trovato, Valerie Sing Turner, De Jager Volkenant.